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Reactive Maintenance

We cover all aspects of reactive maintenance, some of these are listed below

  • Fault finding
  • Machine breakdowns
  • Lighting internal, external and emergency
  • Distribution and small power repairs

Reactive maintenance, otherwise referred to as breakdown maintenance, are repairs to equipment that is already faulty and needs to be returned to its original state. It is not always possible to predict when machinery or equipment will come under distress and when it does, it is very costly to businesses who may find that production levels are slowed down or halted altogether. In this instance, reactive maintenance is essential to get everything back to normal as soon as possible.

Whilst reactive maintenance can have a place in a well-rounded maintenance strategy, it should never be the only type of maintenance your business employs.

We would always encourage customers who use our reactive service to consider a planned maintenance package. As with anything in life, prevention is better than cure and this is definitely the most cost-efficient approach to maintenance in the long term.

For more information on reactive maintenance or to speak to someone about a reactive maintenance plan that suits your business, please call us on 01388 663116 or send us an email.

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